On the whole, most things in nature are peaceful and happy.  Dancing streams, blossoming flowers, or grazing horses.  They are at peace with their environment and couldn’t think of a place they’d rather be.  They are happy with themselves, their friends, their homes or space they’re in.

Animals are related to humans in many ways, regardless of your belief system.  Animals in their natural habitats are free and fully present in their spaces.  Picture the last time you saw dolphins jumping.  What happened to your body?  Did you drown out the sounds around you, shift your thought to their state (playful presence) and maybe your jaw relaxed a little.  Potentially, maybe a smile grew across your face and a peaceful trance set in.

Replicating this feeling will do wonders for your living.  Try it today.  In support of frolicking like our fellow animal brethren is AV Architects + Builders and House of Steep.  Please share your ideas and reactions to present living and observing nature for a healthy dose of peace.

For further reading, consider “Grace and Tranquility: Natural Peaceful Paths through Every Living Day” by Eric Alan, which offers gentle reminders of peaceful navigation alongside what truly matters each day.