Not all trends are in fashion, and not all trends are short-lived.  This week’s blog is a nod to a trend that we at placidhouse want to see become a staple in our culture.  Like the cupcake or the peace sign.  But bigger!

In her blog about living with intention, Jennifer Hoffman has created a magnificent movement that we could all benefit from: a relaxation meme (pronounced ‘meem’).  We join her in challenging our daily demands to simply relax for 20 minutes and just be.  It’s not a nap, it’s an intention-set experience to help us relax, reflect and re-energize. And we owe it to ourselves, our work, and our family/friends to bring our best to each day… we can’t think of a better way to accomplish these simultaneously.  Read more, and try it!  We are huge fans!

See if you can encourage your friends and family to adopt the same practice. Before we know it, this meme will be common practice, and oh, what a peaceful place this will be!

In support of taking 20 for YOU! is AV Architects + Builders and House of Steep.  Please share your ideas and reactions to present living and relaxation meme trend.