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Sweet summer has arrived.  Whether it be rituals of vacation on changes in schedule from no school or a easier commute, summer often brings a welcomed feeling of ease and fun.

This quick post is dedicated to bottling that feeling and making the summer feel as long as its rival that starts with a W and ends with a happy farewell.   By my observation, kids have it right.  Shoes seem to put a damper on a lot of things, be it river wading, running through fresh cut grass or when the summer heat sets in to your social calendar.

Sure, as adults, we’re more aware of threats to bare feet, but you can always wash your feet after picking up some extras and so long as you watch where you step, the rewards will often outweigh the risks.  So knock your own socks off by allowing your feet the freedom to connect directly with the earth.

Indoors for a while?  Channel your inner kid, feel the peace of the cool tile or nice rug beneath your feet. This simple access to something neat, something different and something humbling (when grounding yourself through your very feet), can impact your  moment and even your day.  So take a moment and allow your feet (and very directly, your soul), the chance at a kid encounter.  #ShoesOffThisSummer.

Vacations and more 195



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